We wish to truly be followers of Jesus, growing into a deeper relationship with Him as He heals us, transforms us and releases us into the eternal purpose for which we were created. Out of our love for Him, we desire to continue His mission and His ministry under the power of the Holy Spirit in our community and the nations.
Small groups
Small Groups are a key aspect of our church community. In these groups members will create relationships with other people and be encouraged in their faith. Most of these groups will meet for about eight weeks and then take a short break before starting up again.

As lovers of God, we desire to see His kingdom and His ministry spread throughout our local community and the nations. Each of us are called to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength... and to love our neighbors as ourself.
Kid's Church
Children have the capacity to come to Jesus, believe in Him, receive the Holy Spirit, be trained up in the ways of the Lord, learn His word, praise Him, minister to the Lord, and pray for His Kingdom to come here on earth!

Youth Group
Vineyard youth desire to encounter His presence, experience healing, discover His words, and become life long followers of Jesus!
Men & Women
Our Men's and Women's Groups have been very life giving for many people over the years. These groups provide great opportunities for meaningful relationships and to grow in our faith